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飛達旅遊 Go By Train


Route Taiwan (台灣)


行程簡介 Itinerary

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來吉村舊名拉拉吉 lalaci,屬於鄒族特富野社的分支,創社主要姓氏為鄭、陳、朱、良與汪五大家族,設立時間約在 200~250 年前。
Hamoana 是鄒語「神明屬地」的意思,而來吉村又被稱為「塔山下永遠的部落」。
The former name of Laiji was “Lalaci”, a branch of the Tsou tribe in Tefuye Community. The community was established approximately 200-250 years ago with five main family names Cheng, Chen, Chu, Liang and Wang.
There’s a saying that Laiji village was discovered by a Tefuye hunter while chasing a wild boar, thus a Laiji’s tribal mascot.
Most of the people here make their living by farming, mostly tea growing, along with some short-term crops such as vegetables and thill bamboo.
Hamoana means “God’s land” in the Tsou tribe, where Laiji village being the “Eternal Tribe Under Tashan”.
There are only two glass tents, which requires at least four adults to block both rooms.

Day1 抵達來吉 Arrive Laiji

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第一天我們將自駕抵達嘉義縣阿里山鄉、來吉村 Hamoana 星空帳篷( Google Map ,在這裡留宿兩晚!你也可以選擇搭火車到多林火車站由民宿主人前往接駁。

抵達後你將會見到主人、藝術家、咖啡師、廚師的「不舞」,這裡就是他的工作坊!此行程我們是跟著鄒族生活藝術家「不舞」及他的傳統生活文化守護者、有機茶、咖啡農夫、鄒族美聲先生「梁兄」這對「野生種」夫妻,一起過有機的自然、藝術生活。更多不舞的訪談 請點我

首先我們將進入第一個行程抵達後的烘咖啡體驗。你在走入 Hamoana 時即會看到許多咖啡樹,這些就是我們要烘的豆子!從挑豆子、烘豆、放涼豆子、磨豆子、泡咖啡你將一次體驗!品嚐你的第一口阿里山咖啡!

享用完咖啡後推薦你在夕陽時分開始拍照~這時候的玻璃屋是最美的!你可以選擇在這時間洗澡、在房間稍作休息,但提醒你千萬不要在這時候偷吃零食喔!晚上在漫步到 Lobby 區域享用無菜單料理!絕對會吃很飽的!如你有不吃的料理也務必先跟旅遊顧問溝通,例如:辣椒、胡椒、牛肉…等等。晚餐你可以期待的是放山雞、新鮮蔬果(竹筍、山菜)、小米料理(酒釀冰沙)、山豬肉…等等。


Arrive by car to Hamoana glass tent Google Map in Alishan township, Chiayi, or you can meet our host at Duolin Station, round trip transfer is included. We'll spend the night here. There are only two glass tents, which requires at least four adults to block both rooms.

Hamoana glass tent is run by a native couple, an artist Buwu (不舞) and her husband Liang (梁兄) titled with a tradition culture protector, organic tea grower, coffee farmer and a singer, both of Tsao tribe origin. They’ve created an organic nature and artistic lifestyle together here at Hamoana.

After checking in, we will begin our first tour - coffee roasting, you will notice that there are many coffee trees in Hamoana. Exactly, we'll be using these coffee beans, handpicked by Buwu. From learning about its quality, baking, cooling and grinding, you will get to taste your own self-made cup of coffee. Enjoy your first drink of Alishan coffee!

Photo time! Sunset would be the most breathtaking moment of the glass tent, where the skies turn pastel with the sun sinking slowly below Alishan. You can take a short break in your bedroom, take a shower or stroll through the campground. Gentle reminder, please refrain from eating snacks, the tribal flavor dinner will be ready shortly and you’ll need stomach space to enjoy the hearty meal. If you have any food allergies or preferences, please inform our travel consultant in advance e.g. chili, peper, beef...etc. You can expect to have farmed chicken, fresh vegetables (thill bamboo and edible plants), rice dishes (fermented rice sherbet) and salted pork.

Over dinner, Buwu will discuss tomorrow's schedule with you. Depending on weather conditions and the fruit and vegetable harvest season, the itinerary will change slightly. Any preferred excursion please inform our travel consultant during booking.

Day2 來吉部落 Laiji Tribes

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阿里山風景區內的來吉位在海拔 700-1000 之間。這裡的生態有溪谷、森林、瀑布、聖山塔山、鄒族文化、高山美食(高麗菜、竹筍…)。知名的「HANA 廚房 – 南非姑娘的部落餐廳」也在來吉村。這裡也是山豬的故鄉、德恩亞納 Toe’uana 重生小村落(莫拉克風災後的永久屋)所在地。

塔山山系是鄒族人心中的聖山,是族人祖先靈魂的安息之處,族人們相信死後的魂會留在部落、身體靈則歸塔山,善良的人的靈魂都會存在大塔山、惡人則是在小塔山。行程中你也可能會聽到鄒族的「塔山之歌」,或是聽聞塔山的 愛情傳說 。

為何死後會回到塔山安息?這就必須提到鄒族人的起源。相傳鄒族族人是戰神的子女,是天神在玉山山頂搖落楓葉,這些楓葉掉落地面變成鄒族族人,因此死後必須回歸大地,回到塔山安息,這樣的傳說也一直在族人世代之中流傳。每年的小米收穫祭典 Homeyaya ,則是族人回來領取新的靈魂。更多鄒族介紹可以參考這裡




行程將跟著梁兄採集新鮮水果或野菜(依季節、氣候將有不同規劃),不健行的夥伴可以留在營地跟不舞學習製作蔥抓餅!喜歡健行的你可能會知道大小塔山,大塔山是阿里山山脈最高峰,也是鄒族人口中的聖山,海拔大約 2100 – 2663 公尺。更多介紹可以參考健行筆記喔!

德恩亞納 Toe’uana / 得恩亞納
許多人稱這裡為台版合掌村,但仔細一看,更像北歐風格:色彩繽紛的建築搭上鬱鬱的氣氛?被迷霧森林圍繞著、霧霧帶水氣的空氣、淡淡的北歐色系木屋、高高的衫林、與世隔絕… 甚至還有點像 Frozen 冰雪奇緣裡的小鎮(也是取材自北歐薩米文化、高架木屋)不覺得嗎?

其實這裡是莫拉克風災(八八風災)過後重建的永久屋,鄒族人將這裡稱為「得恩亞納部落 Toe’uana」。風災前的來吉部落因為遭受到土石流衝擊,整個村莊陷入泥沼之中。意思就是「一塊遠離河床平坦安全的聖地」,得恩是得到恩典、亞納是指很美的地方。

這裡共有 42 戶小木屋,每間小木屋都有自己的特色門牌,且房屋都採用高架基座設計,不破壞地形。而德恩亞納這裡也有一區森林步道、滿滿的竹林、杉林,也在我們今天的行程之中。這裡不是北歐、不是合掌村,這裡就是德恩亞納,是鄒族早期祖先的舊址。

回到玻璃帳篷後,你可以在園區跟不舞的貓咪、公雞、狗狗認識與交流,接著跟著不舞 DIY 手作麵包為晚餐做準備!但記得不要偷吃零食喔!晚餐也將非常豐盛。

晚餐後會在玻璃屋餐廳聆聽他們的吉他、木鼓彈奏及鄒族歌謠哼唱的獨家音樂會… 想要更加了解鄒族文化也可以趁現在問問不舞與梁兄喔!

Today we leave Hamoana at 9am and head to Buwu’s private secret campsite in the forest. Where we’ll enjoy brunch under Tashan for a laid-back moment.

The Laiji tribe lies about 700-100 meters above sea level in the recreational area of Alishan National Forest. The ecological system includes the stream, the forest, the waterfall, the sacred mountain - Tashan, the culture of Tsou tribe, the local food (cabbage and thill bamboo...), the birthplace of the boar, and the reborn Toe'uana village (permanent home after Typhoon Morakot). The well-known restaurant, “Hana Village Kitchen” telling the love story of a young South African woman who met Tsou people is also located around the area.
Tashan Sacred mountain is where the Tsou tribe ancestors believe spirits are nestled. They believed the soul would stay in the village, while the body belonged to Tashan. The good spirits stay in Tashan, and the bad spirits stay in small Tashan.
You might hear the Song of Tashan or Tashan love legend by Buwu during the trip.。

Open air brunch
Why do they think spirits rest in Tashan when life is over? It refers to the root of the Tsou people. Legend has it that the Tsou tribe are Mars' children. God shakes the maple leaves on top of Mt. Yushan (Jade Mountain). These leaves drop onto the ground and become the Tsou people. Thus, the Tsou people should go back to the land and rest in Tashan. The legend was delivered from generation to generation. Homeyaya, an annual celebration of rice harvesting, is held around July to August by the Tsou tribe. The festival is for the Tsou people to head back home and gather new spirits for the following year.
Legend has it that the clans of all tribes followed the wild boars and animal footprints into the sacred mountain - A great habitat for animals, that’s when Tashan became an important hunting ground for all the clans. Over the years traveling back and forth, clans decided to settle at the foot of Tashan, which has now become the Tsou tribe.
The beautiful Laiji village, a fertile land with abundant produce, outstanding men and women, friendly people, we call them the “wild boar tribe”.
After arriving at the campsite, you’ll enjoy brunch prepared by Buwu and then we will take a short hike in the area.

Private secret place hiking
The hiking will be led by Liang, and the route will be on Liang’s private land. It is an easy hike, but as it is an undeveloped trail in a secret place, there are still many nettles (a kind of toxic plant, it will be hot and painful once touched), be aware and follow the instructions given by Liang, wear long sleeves and pants.
We will follow Liang into the forest where we look for edible plants (depending on the season and weather). Those who do not feel like hiking can stay at the campsite and learn how to make scallion pancakes with Buwu!
If you love hiking, you might know that the Tashan is the highest peak of Mountain Alishan, as well as the sacred mountain in the Tsou tribes. The altitudes are at about 2100-2663 metres.

A lot of people call it the Taiwanese version of Gassho Village, but when you look closely, we think it looks more like a Nordic style: colourful buildings with a dark atmosphere. Surrounded by misty forests, foggy air, pastel colored wooden houses, tall forests, isolation... even a bit like a little town in Frozen (also taken from the Nordic Sami Culture, elevated wooden houses) isn’t it? That said, feel free to let your imagination run wild!
This place is actually a permanent house rebuilt after the Morakot Typhoon (the deadliest typhoons to impact Taiwan). The Tsou called the place "Toe' uana". The Typhoon wiped off the entire village.
Toe’uana means "a sacred place far from the bed of the river, flat and safe". "Toe' " means receiving grace, “Uana” means a beautiful place.
There are a total of 42 log cabins, each cabin has its own unique house number, and the homes are designed to be elevated and environmental friendly. In Toe'uana there is also a forest trail, full of bamboo and cedar trees, that’s also included in our tour. This is not Northern Europe, nor Gasshang Village. This is Toe'uana , the site of the first ancestors of the Tsou.

Private Concert
Returning back to the glass tent, you will have some free time with their cats, roosters, and dogs around the campsite. Then we will lean how to make fermented rice bread with Buwu for dinner. Again, please try not to eat too many snacks! It will also be a big meal.
After dinner, Buwu and Mr. Liang will share their beloved songs of Tsou tri After dinner, Buwu and Mr. Liang will share their beloved songs of Tsou tribe where they’ll tell stories through their music. If you want to know more about Tsou culture, please feel free to ask away, Buwu and Liang would be more than happy to share with you.

Day3 返程 Time to say goodbye

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After enjoying hearty breakfast, it's time to say goodbye.......

常見問題 Q&A

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  • 海拔高度?約 1450m
  • 來吉部落氣溫?來吉部落即時溫度請點我
  • 嘉義均溫?5-9 月均溫 22-33°C / 12-2 月均溫 12-24°C / 3-4 月均溫 16-29°C / 10-11 月均溫 16-30°C
  • 行程照片拍攝時間?五月氣溫約為 16-26°C
  • 民宿有酒水嗎?山上 24 小時供應自栽、自烘的咖啡、紅茶或外來的紅、白酒。
  • 可以併團嗎?不建議,包場的體驗將會是最好的
  • 建議攜帶物品?
    • 防蚊液、止癢藥膏
    • 防雨外套(如 Gortex)、雨具
    • 健行衣褲(薄長袖長褲防雜草、蚊蟲)
    • 個人水瓶
    • 眼罩(玻璃帳篷晨光)、耳塞(自然界的交響樂)

  • Altitude? About 1450m
  • The temperature at Laiji? Click here to see Laiji's live temperature
  • Chiayi average temperature? From May to September avg 22-33°C / From December to February avg 12-24°C / Fom March to April avg 16-29°C / From October to November avg 16-30°C
  • When was the photo taken? In May the temperature is about 16-26°C
  • Are beverages available at the B&B? They provide self-planted, self-baked coffee, black tea or exotic wine..
  • Can we join tour with others? Not recommended, private tour will be the best way to learn and experience Hamoana.
  • Any must bring items?
    • Mosquito repellent, anti-itch creams
    • Raincoat (or waterproof jackets), umbrella
    • Hiking pants
    • Water bottle
    • Eye cover, earplugs (For sleeping in glass tents.)

【住宿】不舞工作坊、玻璃帳篷 Hamoana Glass Tent Glamping

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Equipped with fan, heater, and private bathroom.

Exterior of the room

Interior of the room