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飛達旅遊 Go By Train

Q & A總覽


客人若是持有 學生 / 工作 簽證,是否還可以使用該國的 rail pass?

只要不是 European resident 且不要在該國待超過 6 個月,即使有 學生 / 工作簽證,都還是可以購買使用 rail pass 喔~

If I hold a student visa or a working visa, but will not be staying in your country for over 6 months, can I still use your rail pass?

DB: Every non European resident staying shorter than 6 months in Germany can purchase the pass.
STS: Yes exactly, because your are not a permanent resident in Switzerland.
SNCF: Any person living in a non-European country can use the France Rail Pass.
Britrail: When validating your Britrail pass, you would have to show proof that you are not a UK resident. You would be considered a UK resident if you have been living in the UK for the last 6 months.